Mr Siddique lost his father, Mr Fazal Elahi aged 89 when he was admitted to hospital with lower abdominal pains and died on the way to being scanned. Because the death was sudden and the cause unknown, Mr Siddique was told a post- mortem would be carried out. However, Mr Siddique, having worked in the NHS for 20 years and being aware of digital scanning, asked the coroner in Bradford about non-invasive options and was put in touch with iGene.
Mr Elahi was scanned at our Bradford facility, and a cause of death was determined as a ruptured thoracic valve. Mr Elahi had also suffered some mini strokes.
Mr Siddique said that having a non-invasive post-mortem was a source of great comfort to his family because they had not only been given a cause of death, which helped give them answers regarding Mr Elahi’s passing, but that, in Mr Siddique’s words, “The sanctity of my father’s body was preserved”.